Keep in Touch!
The best way to support my work is signing up for my mailing list.
I will only send you one email (or less) per month. I have chosen to reduce my reliance on social media to reach people who might benefit from my work. Joining my mailing list allows me to keep in touch without wasting my time or your attention gaming algorithms to try to reach you.
If reaching out to me directly is your goal, thanks in advance for picking an option from the list below that best meets your need for contacting me. This workflow allows me to spend more time making, and momming, and less time admin-ing.
Notes of Feedback and/or Support
If you have something to say and sharing it directly with me matters most to you, please go ahead and reach out to: abbycovert at gmail dot com. I do read all my email, and try to respond to every note like this that I receive.
Private Training Requests
If you have a team looking to increase their confidence in practicing information architecture collaboratively, I have a curriculum in development just for you! Please use this form to reach out.
Introduce me to a new audience
If you have a podcast, stream, webshow, magazine, blog, zine, …er, carrier pigeon connecting with people who make sense of messes, I would love to nerd out about information architecture, and make some content together! Please use this form to reach out.
Invite me to speak
I am currently accepting invitations for speaking and teaching engagements for 2023. If you want me to speak at your event, or for your organization, before reaching out please review the requirements for events I say yes to.