
IA Practitioners Book Club

A seven week book club reading and building on How to Make Sense of Any Mess, with a monthly opportunity to ask me questions live on Zoom…

Diagramming Video eCourse

A deep dive into the purpose, process and craft of diagramming. This video eCourse is meant for beginners but helpful to all levels of diagrammatic experience.

Free IA Course

I wrote this 30 minute free course called “Information Architecture for Everybody” to provide a plain language, wider view of what information architecture looks like and how it impacts businesses…

Control Your Vocabulary

Words are the common material we use when working with others. This exercise involves deciding the words you do and do NOT use as a team or in a specific…

Play with Structure

There are many ways to structure any one thing. This crib sheet is meant to give you some starting patterns to consider when making architectural decisions.

Measure the Distance

Goals are only reachable when progress is both possible and measurable. This exercise is about understanding what to measure along the way to know how things are going.

Diagram Your Reality

Reality is a force we all must reckon with in time. This exercise is about facing reality by digging into the contributing and limiting factors involved.

Choose Your Words

When facing a mess, stating your intention is the most important step you can take. This is an exercise about letting go and thinking about how users ideally perceive your…