Prioritization is deciding.
We never know what life will throw at us, so making key decisions up-front about how you will prioritize can save time down the road.
We never know what life will throw at us, so making key decisions up-front about how you will prioritize can save time down the road.
IA is so much more than web navigation – information is everywhere! I just had to figure out how to talk about it.
Clarity doesn’t always equal ease. Sometimes knowing and understanding your goals opens the flood gates of possibilities to reach those goals.
Good is a subjective concept. Thats an empowering and terrifying realization in many projects.
Communication is key, but if that communication doesn’t come across the way you intended your audience may be prepared for a different conversation.
The one where I share my lessons learned from teaching IA to undergraduates at Parsons.
Advice to those working in the marketing world about how to listen to users to make better business decisions.
Advice to the agency world on the role of clarity in providing a good user experience.