Goodbye, Confusion

In the year that How to Make Sense of Any Mess has been on sale, I’ve been up to a lot of exciting things.

What we need is a barn raising.

The IAI needs help, its library is lacking. We need to come together as a community to help bring this resource to its fullest potential.

Diagram Critique BINGO

The one in which I create a game to get my students to critique each other’s diagrams

This is the work.

The work isn’t just about the product, it’s also the process. The work you do, the questions you answer, and the problems you solve.

Prioritization is deciding.

We never know what life will throw at us, so making key decisions up-front about how you will prioritize can save time down the road.

What’s Hard?

We all have to ask hard questions about our work – being a teacher is no exception.

How I made sense of my mess

IA is so much more than web navigation – information is everywhere! I just had to figure out how to talk about it.

EuroIA 2014 Keynote

The following was delivered as the closing plenary address at the European Information Architecture Summit in Brussels, Belgium on September 27, 2014.  — I was asked here today to reflect on the past ten years of our practice in the field of information architecture. It is my opinion however that to only go back that far…