What is the return on investing in information architecture?
A crash course for product leaders on understanding areas of potential IA investment and the types of measurements that can be used to measure the ROIA.
A crash course for product leaders on understanding areas of potential IA investment and the types of measurements that can be used to measure the ROIA.
A digital message in a bottle to convince a hero of mine that they are an information architect.
Answering reader questions from Chapter 1 of How to Make Sense of Any Mess.
The way we use language is important. The words we chose can change the way we feel about our work.
We shouldn’t have to sell IA, but we need people to understand its importance and the importance of it being done correctly.
We can’t make things that make sense to everyone, it’s impossible, but we can break down to establish an understandable meaning.
Clarity doesn’t always equal ease. Sometimes knowing and understanding your goals opens the flood gates of possibilities to reach those goals.
Good is a subjective concept. Thats an empowering and terrifying realization in many projects.
Communication is key, but if that communication doesn’t come across the way you intended your audience may be prepared for a different conversation.
As a new manager building a team I share my thoughts on choosing a job title and the important of making a choice rather than not making one.