My IA Heuristics Journey

A brief and simple introduction to systems thinking for those working in creative services and advertising.

Advice from the Void

You can’t just wait for it to happen. Sometimes you have to create the opportunity for yourself.

Dear dream job, I quit.

Sometimes to reach our goals we have to make huge changes, we have to take leaps and leave behind some comfort.

Design Systems, Not Stuff

A brief and simple introduction to systems thinking for those working in creative services and advertising.

Designing my Portfolio

Sharing the process of developing my own portfolio with a focus on lessons I have for others doing the same.

Design with, not for.

Social media has opened a lot of doors, unexpectedly, it’s opened a door allowing advertisers and consumers to create together.

Do unto others’ data…

We have to be respectful of consumer’s data. Everyone knows their data is being collected at every turn, but it should be handled better.

Dear Peter,

The UX community is helpful by nature. It only makes sense that Advertisement and UX go hand-in-hand.